Easter Hill Apartments is an affordable housing development located on a 28-acre site in Richmond, CA. The community development includes family apartments, 82 for-sale duplexes, a 20,000 square-foot community center, and a recreational area with a swimming pool, a children’s play area, a basketball court, and an open field that can be used for softball and soccer. Construction was divided into three major phases consisting of Phase I – construction of 117 of the rental units, the community center and the underground utilities; Phase II – construction of the remaining 85 units of rental housing; and Phase III – construction of the 82 for-sale duplexes. BMC provided complete installation of all plumbing systems for the development including Sanitary Waste and Vent, Storm, and Domestic Cold Water.
Michael Willis Architects
Nibbi Brothers
Richmond, CA
McCormack Baron Salazar